🐺Browse Current And Past Paranormal Activity Forecasts…
A Werewolf Watch Is In Effect!
The Full Moon of August is often called the Sturgeon Moon or Green Corn Moon. This is due to the abundance of fishing and farming activities seen in August. This…
Lightning Moon Eclipse Werewolf Warning
The Full Moon of August is most commonly known as The Lightning Moon in the supernatural world. Although, it is also known by the related name of The Thunder Moon….
Honey Moon Werewolf And Bee Warning
The Full Moon Of June 2020 is prophesied to be a Honey Moon of a more horrifying sort! This despite most sources still saying it will be the usual Strawberry…
Super Flower Moon Werewolf Warning
The Full Moon of May is usually known as the Flower Moon due this being the time of year that blossoms begin growing across the landscape. As with any Moon…
Enchanted Easter Egg Supermoon Werewolf Warning
The Full Moon of April is generally known as the Pink Moon in both the paranormal and mainstream world. This is due to the first pink-hued flowers of spring such…
2020 April Fools Alert!
Despite the global pandemic taking place April Fool’s Day has not been canceled. At least not as far as the Trickster The April Fool is concerned. He is out in…