The United States has enjoyed one of the warmest, and longest Autumns for quite some time until the recent nearly instant influx of winter weather. Generally there is a peaceful transition between Autumn, and Winter deities long before the official end of Autumn on the December 21st Winter Solstice. However this year’s particular Autumn God faction holds deep loyalty to Shala, The Queen Of Halloween. Shala’s Halloween Island is known for its perpetual state of iridescent Autumn. The Fall Gods & Goddesses hatched a plan to extend true Autumn all the way until the Winter Solstice by purposely repelling all winter nature deities at all levels including Nymphs, and Fairies. Finally this week all out higher dimensional hell broke loose between Autumn, and Winter but thankfully Shala stepped in to bring peace, and her blessing of the inevitable Winter. Now Mother Nature’s transition from Fall colors to Winter’s frost will finally begin after the Blizzard of supernatural battles! On a final note it was lucky that most of the Abominable Snowmen, aka Yeti, were rather far north due to the extended weather. This prevented them from entering the fray of the Autumn-Winter tussle.