Friday The 13th Devil And Werewolf Warning

If the Devil now walking among us in a human like form wasn’t bad enough we now have another Friday The 13th among us.   A day of dark energies permeated with bad luck that the Devil uses for his own nefarious purposes.  Supernatural intel tells us that at least two Archdemons are ascending from Hell … Read more

Halloween Paranormal Activity Warning

Halloween is almost always the most dangerous night of the year for humans as the world of the supernatural runs amok. The veil between life, and death exponentially increased spiritual activity. This in turn swirls more metaphysical energy about for all malevolent monsters to feed upon! Thankfully children are generally under the protection of The … Read more

Blood Moon Eclipse Warning

The blasphemous Blood Moon of the Halloween season is upon us with a penumbral lunar eclipse twist.  The Blood Moon is a general magnifier of malevolent powers among all manner of supernatural beings.  Although the dark denizens draw upon it more.  Expect an increase in chaos, and supernatural savagery during these Blood Moon nights leading … Read more

Harvest And Storm Moon Werewolf Watch

Most of our forecasts over the years tended to be for the Northern Hemisphere but our good friends to the south have made their voices heard.  So we will now try to address paranormal activity for the entire planet since each hemisphere has the polar opposite seasons.  The Northern Hemisphere, including North America, Central America, … Read more

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