Emergency Zombie Alert!

A major rising of the dead is now in progress.  In fact it’s even bigger than the one that occurred on Halloween.  So big in fact that the local and County government has gotten involved for the first time in recent history.  We urge you to stay at home with your doors and windows securely … Read more

Werewolf Watch

The moon is 95% full so I urge caution when going out after sunset for the next week.  Your greatest risk of werewolf sightings falls between 10 PM and 2 AM.  If you plan on being out late, especially in wooded areas or near cemeteries,  I urge you to carry a dog whistle, taser, or silver … Read more

Unicorn Alert!

A lone Unicorn was spotted frolicking near the edge of the Mystical Forest.  Any human spotting a Unicorn is thought to have good luck imbued upon them for at least the rest of the week.  If you save the life of a Unicorn or help it in some way they will often reappear in your … Read more

All Warnings & Watches Have Been Canceled

The week after Halloween is generally quiet as supernatural creatures tend to take a rest after their increased October activity.  The good folks at Mystic Investigations also eradicated a lot of evil on Halloween.  Solar X-Rays are normal and the Geomagnetic field is quiet which insures a lull in poltergeist activity.  The 3% full moon … Read more

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