Honey Moon Werewolf And Bee Warning

The Full Moon Of June 2020 is prophesied to be a Honey Moon of a more horrifying sort! This despite most sources still saying it will be the usual Strawberry Moon. A Honey Moon generally occurs when various Goddesses of Bees and Honey, along with their allies, gain control of the enchanted lunar energies. Unfortunately, … Read more

Enchanted Easter Egg Supermoon Werewolf Warning

The Full Moon of April is generally known as the Pink Moon in both the paranormal and mainstream world. This is due to the first pink-hued flowers of spring such as Pink Moss, Mountain Phlox, and Pink Phlox. Sometimes the Moon may actually appear pink due to atmospheric conditions. Other times you may have Practitioners … Read more

Dark Luck Super Storm Moon Werewolf Warning

The Full Moon of March is usually known as the Storm Moon due to the turbulent weather involved in the transition from winter to spring. Some call it the Worm Moon due to springs thawing soils causing Earthworms to burrow forth. Theoretically, this Moon should have been lucky due to being virtually a week away … Read more

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