The Pink Moon of April generally grants us a calming effect when it comes to Werewolves and other forms of paranormal life. A fair amount of that enchanted energy is due to Easter. Despite still technically being the Easter Season this is many weeks after Easter Sunday so the supernatural sway of the big bunny is minimal. Various Spring, Flower, and Tundra Gods and Goddesses control the metaphysical energy of this Moon. Particularly Nature Deities who pay homage to their recently retired winter counterparts by imbuing the power of the first flowers of Spring within this lunar cycle. These are various pink flowers of the arctic Tundra where the heart of winter forever frosts. The fantastic foliage includes pink moss and pink phlox. This is timed with the last whisps of winter finally falling away to the strength of the simmering Summer. Other pink foliage such as cherry blossoms or pink tulips[Ad] are strongly connected to the flowing photons of this mystical Moon. These flowers may be used as extremely effective Werewolf Repellents along with the standard ones. Easter imagery will work to a lesser extent.🌸
Werewolf activity will be slightly below average with moderate safety for those going out after dusk or before dawn. The bloodthirsty beasts will have a greater tendency to hunt down animals rather than humans to satisfy their rabid appetites. However, if they catch the scent of a human or run across one by chance then all bets are off! In areas where the Full Moon actually appears pink in color, there is a good chance various Moon magics are being performed by righteous witches, warlocks, wizards, and sorcerers. The pink light will greatly instill tranquility within the wild Werewolf heart. Some older Werewolves may not even transform as long as the color remains all night long. Even if the pink hue is caused by air pollutants or light refraction it will still have paranormal power to calm malevolent monsters. Wearing anything pink[Ad] is an additional measure to discourage wayward wolves of a demonic sort. Stay on alert every night until the Moon is below 80% of Full!🐺
Women’s Cotton Candy Pink Sneakers
Let your feet carry you away as fast as possible while discouraging an approaching Werewolf with these pretty pink sneakers of peaceful cotton candy clouds…Learn More At Etsy…[Ad]