The three lumberjacks that me and Drake ran out of town yesterday apparently didn’t make it far. They were pulled over for speeding and reckless driving by the Comanche County Sheriff. They babbled on about a monstrous vampire threatening them so now they’re in the County Mental Facility. It’s good they’re off the streets.
2020 UPDATE: These violent men continued to cause issues with many people over the years and ended up being in jail at various times. One of the men is serving a 15 year prison sentence for attempted murder over a dispute with a ex-girlfriend. Another member of this motley crew was consistently under psychiatric care due to being obsessed over the existence of vampires. He eventually vanished under mysterious circumstances. It is thought he got hold of some evidence he was about to expose to the world and some vampires dispatched him with extreme prejudice! The third man is considered one of the town drunks and it often seen sleeping on a park bench downtown or living in his van down by the river. Needless to say all three eventually lost their lumberjack jobs!