The New Years Eve Event Of The Year

All our past clients, paid or pro-bono, are cordially invited to attend the Mystic Investigations New Years Eve Party down at Remington Manor.  Even if you haven’t received an invitation feel free to attend the festivities which begin at 5:00 PM.  Just tell the door attendant what case we helped you with.  We will be serving a wide variety of drinks at our fully staffed bar in my game room which has a pool table and many video games.  There will be many refreshments as well and we will be serving a three course dinner at 7:00 PM.   Big screen TV’s will display the various television and online New Years events and a full wall television will be showing a movie at 9:00 PM which will be the choice of the party goers.  At 12:05 AM there will be a fireworks display in my backyard.  We would like to thank Mayor Mortimer Griggs VII for pulling a few strings to make this late night display possible.  We’re happy he took office early due to the disgraceful impeachment of Mayor Jack Malamar and resignation of Deputy Mayor Axel Jackson.  The party will wrap up at 2:00 AM.  The address of Remington Manor is:

2012 Enchantment Lane
Woodland Springs, Colorado

If you’re an evil doer then please be aware that the Manor is fortified by a powerful protection spell imbued upon the estate by my girlfriend Rebecca Abernathy and a coven of good witches who owed us a favor.  Not to mention the fact that our entire staff will be there.  We generally don’t have much trouble on New Years as many of the forces of evil seem to be dormant at this time especially after being weakened by the goodness of Christmas whether they attempted to thwart it or not.

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[…] New Years Eve Party almost went of without a hitch except for the resuracing of the supernatural nut known as Percy […]

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