Little seven year old Jack Emerson woke up in a cold sweat screaming in the dark shadows of his night light lit bedroom. His angered father runs in, and snaps on the light yelling, “What the hell is your problem Jack! Go back to sleep now or else!” He flips the light back off, and slams the door. Trembling in the dimly lit room Jack stares at his small hands as the nightmare he just had reels through his confused mind. In his disturbing dream he was a 44 year old man staring out the window of his house as civil defense sirens whaled in the distance. The holographic television broadcast warnings of an impending nuclear attack send chills down his spine. An attack initiated by Global Prime Minister Earl Sapporo in the year 2052.
The insane world leader is shown in a news clip in a small spherical holo-window amid the warning screen ranting at a podium about humanity needing to be cleansed from the Earth in the name of the Dark Father. His crazed eyes gave way to the echoing of his maniacal laughter as the camera pans closer to reveal a brief red glow in his eyes before the feed is cut off. Jack gazes in horror as blinding lights flash off with nuclear mushroom clouds in the distance. Their brightness is so powerful that it even overshadows the sunlight. Suddenly all power cuts out due to a nuclear EMP. Jack hears an odd noise from overhead, and runs outside to look up at a projectile headed down toward him. He knows the end is near, and realizes he will never see his wife, kids, and everyone else ever again! A burst of all encompassing white light gives way to the dark shadows of his childhood bedroom. For it wasn’t a nightmare. It was all real! Being at ground zero of a nuclear blast send him back in time! Listen To The Entire Story In The Video Above Or Read The Rest Of The Story On Our Supernatural Stories Blog…