The enchanted energy of the January 2025 Full Moon is entangled with the Native American wolf spirits. Unfortunately, it metaphysically mingles with the demonic DNA of Werewolves. This compels them to herd wild wolves under their control. Together, they viciously hunt down humans and any animals that send a scent their wayward way! The enchanted energies of wolf and werewolf become one, creating a psychic feedback loop of perplexing paranormal aggression that is off the charts. Be aware that the wolves will have temporarily enhanced abilities that will be enough to keep up with their Alpha Werewolf. This means that even if you live in an area free of wolves, they could still storm your community well out of their normal territory!🌕
There’s a reason they call this the second-most dangerous moon of the year, with the Halloween Blood Moon being the worst! Thankfully, Werewolf Repellents will work exceptionally well, but you’ll still have to contend with the wolf pack! When hit with a repellent such as silver or holy water, there is a period of time during which the wild wolves will become confused as they momentarily lose psychic contact with their Alpha Werewolf. That is when you run as fast as your feet will carry you! We advise staying indoors from dusk to dawn until January 18th when the Moon will be below 80% of Full! At that point, no werewolf will be able to transform. Good luck, and may God have mercy on your soul if you fall prey to the malevolent monsters of the wayward Wolf Moon! Unfortunately, the entire thing would be covered up by the US Paranormal Defense Agency and you will simply be reported missing!🐺
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