The Dark Church Of Evil

A church of evil worship discovered deep in the Mystical Forest on Halloween while investigating a zombie uprising found out to be initiated by a coven of 13 evil witches. The witches used it as a tool to focus their dark magic’s. It’s been known to be a hot spot for various forms of dark demonic worship, and unholy rituals. It was apparently built sometime in the late 18th century before Woodland Springs was founded. Local Native American lore suggests that it may have been built upon a sealed opening to the Underworld, the physical extension of the place in the 5th dimension where demons exist. We tried to burn the dark church to the ground but the flames died within minutes and there was not a mark on the building. Father Tom Davis even tried to use Holy Fire to burn the church down was his holy blessing of the flames was no match for the ancient powerful malevolent forces that existed within it’s unholy walls. The holy flames caused some damage but the building quickly self-regenerated through some form of black magic. Being inside the anti-church too long seems to make the average person sick to their stomach, and may cause varied symptoms in individuals as well. The surrounding woods are in a perpetual autumn state since the time around Halloween has always been associated with increased levels of evil.

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