🍀The Moon of March 25th, 2024 has been dubbed The Lucky Saint Spring Easter Moon. This Moon is holy due to the lucky supernatural trifecta that falls right in the middle of the sainted seasons of Saint Patrick, Spring Equinox, and an early Easter! Despite no Spring Saint, Mother Nature and the Spring Goddesses have a metaphysical connection with all things upon this enchanted Earth. We also have a previous trinity with Saint Valentine during the rare holy Saintly Spring Moon of February 2024. Not only do we have the paranormal protections of a holy Moon but also the calming effect of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Werewolves and all things sinister supernatural. Werewolf activity will be minimal and any issues will be easily combated with Werewolf Repellents. Repellents that will include any imagery and artifacts of Spring, Saint Valentine’s Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, and Easter. This will be the second safest Moon of the year next to the December Yule Moon.✝️