Werewolf Warning

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Werewolves have been spotted in the general area.  The moon is now at 100% full which means Werewolf activity will be at it’s peak for this month of the Flower Moon.  Luckily the so called Flower Moon has no effect on the Werewolf populace.  Exercise caution when venturing out at dusk.  Once the direct sun is below the horizon, Werewolf transformation will occur when the Moon is 100% full.  They will be especially ferocious throughout the night as they let their lust for human flesh and blood lead them about.  The horrific hell hounds will ravage the night until direct sun shines down at dawn.  If conditions should be cloudy this will prolong the agony.  Keep in mind that despite the portrayal in movies, clouds covering the Moon does not stop transformation or de-transform a Werewolf back to human form.  Werewolves relationship with the Moon is one of a mystical nature that resides deep within the dark magical arts.  However direct moonlight does increase their power and rage so they are slightly weakened by cloud cover.

We suggest you stay indoors at night and keep your pets safely indoors as well.  Make sure all doors and windows are secure especially if you live near wooded areas where they will often hunt if they can’t find human prey.  A Werewolf will not break into a home unless provoked or if you happen to be bleeding profusely since it’s sense of smell is extraordinary.  If you must venture forth into the dark foreboding night then we suggest wearing dark colors, and wearing a silver crucifix doesn’t hurt.  Always have a silver dagger or a gun loaded with silver bullets on you at all times.  If you’re not the violent type then a dog whistle or even a bright flare will deter them as you make your escape from their snarling steel sharp jaws of death.  Tasers have also been known to stop them for a few seconds.  The best course of action when encountering a Werewolf is to simply stand still for a minute and then back away slowly being sure to avoid eye contact.  Keep backing away until you’re out of their sight and then run for dear life.

On a positive note Werewolves can be beneficial to areas that have issues with ferocious bears, cougars, lions, crocodiles, and any other dangerous animal.  They tend to finish off a number of paranormal pests as well including blood thirsty little Gnomes who are notorious for going after children.  Werewolves are an integral and necessary danger to maintain the equilibrium of the supernatural ecosystem which is in turn intertwined with the natural ecosystem of our Mother Earth.

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