Alien Asteroid Alert

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The asteroid 2011 MD will pass only 7,500 miles above the Earth’s surface on Monday June 27 at approximately 7:30 a.m. Mountain Standard Time.   Or at least that’s what the media is saying.  This asteroid was set to slam into the Earth but thanks to our friends the “Greens” ,aka the good little extraterrestrials from the Gliese 581 star system, this won’t happen.  They will use two of their space vessels to alter the trajectory of the asteroid with the help of Earth’s gravity and it will be safely thrust away from us.  On a side note the evil little aliens known as the “Greys” want the asteroid to hit us so they may try and make that happen but they will fail thanks to the overwhelming forces of good on Earth that will it to not be so.

In addition this asteroids is made up of unique mystical materials which we may be able to study due to small harmless meteors breaking away from it.  This shall be visible in the form of shooting stars.  Please exercise caution if you happen across the blazing hot glowing gold rocks as their effect on humans is unknown.  Also be aware that both groups of aliens will be searching for these rocks in order to study their properties.  You have nothing to fear from the Greens but the Greys may very well kidnap you if you’re nearby.  If you spot the space rocks or any aliens please immediately contact your local extraterritorial specialist, paranormal professional, or better yet run away in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

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