Genie Warning

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Be on the look out for Genie lamps and bottles washing ashore on various beaches around the world.  A mysterious magical force has flushed out the thousands of Genie’s buried in their confining containers within the Earth and under the deep blue sea.  If you find a lamp (contains a male Genie) or a bottle (contains a female Genie) then please exercise great caution and contemplate if you want to have such power within your hands.  Power that can be very dangerous due to the sometimes tricky nature of Genies.

Rubbing the lamp or uncorking the bottle will unleash the Genie and make you it’s Master.  It must then grant you three wishes.  Wishes you must word just right in order to avoid unintended consequences.  You can wish for anything except for three wishes off limits by magical Universal decree:

  1. You cannot wish to be a higher being such as a God, an Angel, etc. 
  2. You cannot wish death on any living creature whether it be animal, human, alien, or even higher beings such as God.  Although you can wish to be sent to a parallel Universe where someone is already dead.
  3. You cannot wish for more wishes aka infinite wishes.  Although you can wish for the genie to become your servant.  In this case they could stay with you for life.  When this occurs their magic is confined to menial tasks that would have no effect on the Universe or anyone in it of any consequence.  For instance cleaning your home, making your meals, performing various chores, etc fall within the parameters of acceptable use of servant magics.  If anyone should ever touch the Genie’s lamp or bottle then that person would be the new Master. and you would lose your magical servant.

Some Genies will try and trick you into wishing them free.  They will tug at your heart strings and plead to be free of their restrictive confines.  No matter what don’t make this wish because it will transform you into the Genie in it’s place.  Genies are confined for good reason.  They are Jinn who phased into our reality from another dimension against the wishes of God.  Their power is too great for our reality and they must be magically confined for our safety.

If you wish for things on a grand scale like being the richest person on Earth, world peace, or having two suns and moons in the sky then you will be pushed into a parallel Universe where your wish is a reality.  Keep that in mind there’s a chance you might not exist in that Universe and you may very well blink out of existence!  There’s also the fact that society as you know it will be radically different.  Adding a condition not to be sent to another Universe will not work since every second we naturally move five dimensionally into near identical parallel Universes with every decision we make.  Just as we move forward into the future one second at a time.  Adding this condition may send you into a dream plane which is a totally manufactured reality existing between life and death.  Certainly not a place you want to be trapped in.

If you’re unclear as to how to word a wish then contact your nearest paranormal investigations firm or Genie/Jinn expert ASAP!  Better yet throw the bottle back in the ocean or re-bury it.  It’s best to not risk dealing with a Genie!

To learn more about Genies and Jinn’s please refer to:

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