Author Topic: Mystic Investigations Is In Hawaii After Abominable Snowmen Attack  (Read 11690 times)

Xavier Remington

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A freak blizzard rolled into Woodland Springs the other day, and five Abominable Snowmen crashed through the walls, and windows in a daring daylight attack.  Abominable Snowmen are loners, and it's unheard of for them to be in packs.  They also usually only focus on a single human prey.  I've never heard of them crashing into an office building, and going nuts like this!  Clearly this was an orchestrated event, and someone had the Snowmen under their control.  We had people screaming, and scrambling everywhere!  Drake, and Rebecca took out two of them while Hunter, and I another.  Julia, and Rob nearly lost their lives to one but Drake flew in to save the day.  Zack Powers was caught off guard in another part of the building, and was barely holding the blood thirsty albino beast off him with his bionic strength. Rebecca got to him in the nick of time as the metal inside his arms started to bend. 

After the battle was over the entire place was in a shambles.  Rebecca then said,"I'm so sick of this crap!  Let's go on a vacation somewhere far away!"  Drake then told us he has a vacation home in Hawaii.  I mean how many homes does this guy have?  Over the years he's mentioned at least 14 homes but I guess you collect a lot after being alive for seven centuries.  We all flew there on Duanna's private jet with her, and Father Tom.  Zack's Grandma, who he lives with, came as well.  For the rest of the week Mystic Investigations is closed while repairs are being done, and we lounge on the beaches enjoying sun, sand, and surf.  Even Drake, and Duanna will be in the sun thanks to Abominable Snowman blood.  Ingesting Gnome blood has been one of the few things that allow a vampire in the sun but we also tested the legend of using Abominable Snowman blood as sun screen for vampires.  It actually worked but they can only stay in the sun for a few hours before re-application is needed.  They also need to apply it to every square inch of skin other wise it will start of a flame bursting episode! Luckily we collected a giant five gallon bucket of the stuff!  ingesting it causes violent uncontrollable rampages in vampires which is why Drake never bit into any of the Snowmen.  So we've been in Hawaii for a while, and everyone's having a great time on Drake's private white sandy beach near Honolulu.  Naturally Rebecca, and Duanna are frolicking about with nothing on what so ever.  Zack's going crazy because his Grandma covered his eyes, and took him inside.  They then left with a tour group.  In a few days we'll be going to Duanna's vacation home near Hilo.  She's got even more vacation homes than Drake!  We just wanted to let you know what was going on if you don't hear from us until next week.


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Re: Mystic Investigations Is In Hawaii After Abominable Snowmen Attack
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 04:41:35 PM »
Anyone want to bet that Dimitri was behind the attack? It certainly sounds like something he'd do.

Mystic Investigations Supernatural Forum

Re: Mystic Investigations Is In Hawaii After Abominable Snowmen Attack
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 04:41:35 PM »


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