General Non-Paranormal Topics > Health
Would You Like Some Aspartame In Your Milk?
Xavier Remington:
Or any of your dairy products for that matter. There's already enough crap in the non-organic stuff. Do we really need more toxic chemicals? What would be the point of adding aspartame to anything when it isn't replacing any sweeteners to begin with? Or it this a Diet Juice kind of thing. Remove the natural sugars, and replace it with this vile tasting crud! Dear corporatist bastards take your Asspartame, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up your candy ass! If you smell what the Xavier is cooking!
Read about the next round of poisoning perpetuated upon an unsuspecting American populace full of fools:
It's now common place for the Feds to raid raw milk farmers, and distributors using armed force. Even the Amish aren't safe anymore. In Woodland Springs, and the greater Comanche County Colorado area we don't play that bull. Our Constitutional loving Sheriff Blake Maverick has halted many such raids, and has given Federal officials a stern warning that they are not welcome in Comanche County unless they are enforcing laws specifically stated in the US Constitution. Those of us here at Mystic Investigations who enjoy dairy products always go with raw organic from local farmers here in Woodland Springs. It's the one food you can get ultra fresh year round.
Our very own Drake Alexander was out for a drive just after dusk one night when he saw a raid going down at a local farm. He immediately called the Sheriff since the sneaky Devils had entered the county stealthy. Drake then got out, and beat the ever loving hell out of them as the wholesome farm family cheered with glee since the Feds had just gotten through trashing their house. He then hypnotized them with his vampire powers to forget it ever happened. The Sheriff showed up, and took the illegal Federal aliens, aka non-citizens of Comanche County, to the edge of the County. He instructed them to never come back again! As volunteer Deputy Sheriffs all of us at Mystic Investigations take turns driving past the farm routinely to make sure all is well.
Read more about this line of bull at:
That's the government for you.
We've had the same threat over here in good ol' Pa, regardless of petitions, I do what I can to support the local farms. Good to see though some goodness in your Sheriff's dept and the protection received from Drake.
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