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Happy New Year's Eve
Hello everyone! I hope you all have an amazing night! I'm having another Jacuzzi party! I wish we all could party together... some year we will I'm sure! Cheers to everyone's happiness'.. ;D
I wasn't sure where to put this.. you can delete it if you want. I'll send everyone more energy at the strike of midnight! Drake I have something for you... :) xxx
Unfortunately, the only thing Drake's going to be wanting from you right now is blood.
Happy New Year everyone.
I think whitewolf knows something that we don't Tigerhallum. Maybe Drake's soul is back in his body.
Hey guys.. Yes the good Drake is back! Okay! Sorry you didn't know.. Looking at how that sounds umm omg! ;) I thought you all knew he was back? Allot has been happening. I'm extremely happy now that our Good Drake is back and safe! How was your New Years? Do you have any resolutions? :)
I love you sweet Drake..
I had a pretty good New Years. I don't usually make any resolutions though.
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