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Messages - supernaturalbeliever

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General Discussions / Re: Slim Jim
« on: July 30, 2013, 08:33:31 AM »
Haven't heard anything from you yet Slender. Are you maybe afraid to talk to me?

General Discussions / Re: Planet X or brown Dwarf?
« on: July 27, 2013, 05:55:28 PM »
Well Nibiru has already passed us though no one saw it since it was cloaked.

General Discussions / Re: Slim Jim
« on: July 24, 2013, 10:00:23 PM »
He might at that. Slender I would like to speak with you. I believe you know how to get in touch with me.

General Discussions / Re: Slim Jim
« on: July 10, 2013, 06:31:23 PM »
Then the question is if Slim Jim wants to change. I don't think he does.

General Discussions / Re: Slim Jim
« on: July 08, 2013, 07:21:28 PM »
Uh Slim Jim won't heal Drake just because you asked him. He loves causing misery.

General Discussions / Re: The Splendid Slender Man
« on: July 06, 2013, 08:09:09 PM »
I am the one you silly humans refer to as the Slender Man. You're not worthy to know my true name. I relish in your fear of me!  No I'm not a mindless beast.  Just a prisoner forcibly confined to your disgusting world for eternity, or until your rotten planet is finally engulfed by the sun.  I've been here for countless centuries with nothing to do but revel in the pleasure of tormenting all of you, and forcing you to exterminate yourselves.  However your children are pure creatures who fuel my power.  We have no children in my dimension since we don't require them.  I don't make war.  To put it into terms you simple beings can understand I will tell you that you are trapped in a prison cell with me, and you're all the bitches!  Now I grow tired of interfacing with this internet via my advanced ESP.  Go back to your mindless chattering with your archaic keyboards, primitive phones, and primordial mouths.

Who says we're afraid of you? There are those that are afraid of you of course and they are right to be afraid. However many on here are not afraid of you. Maybe we're crazy or maybe not. All I can say is that one day you won't be on our world.

General Discussions / Re: Calling you OUT! Slim Jim
« on: July 01, 2013, 11:14:27 AM »
I don't think he'll register either place. He's too scared to give answers out in the open.

Ask Mystic Investigations Supernatural Questions? / Re: Rapture?
« on: June 30, 2013, 05:35:26 PM »
I don't think the rapture will happen.

You know most bullies are cowards which is why they pick on those that don't fight back. I never really fought back when I was bullied, mostly because I was scared of what I might do if I did. One day I had had enough when someone knocked my books out of my hand and I slammed him up against the wall. I can tell you that it really surprised him and I didn't have a problem with being bullied after that.

As to you being president you may not have that option since that position may not exist by the time you could run.

General Discussions / Re: Things that appear out of nowhere
« on: April 26, 2013, 06:53:01 PM »
Ok it's been awhile since I posted this and no one has replied to it so I'll repost the post that was deleted for some reason. It won't be in the same words but I'm sure you'll understand.

So it was about the first of April. I had went to the bathroom and found a long piece of hair down there. I measured it and it was about fifteen inches long and about the same color as my hair. No one in my house has that long of hair and how would it have gotten down there to begin with. What does it mean?

I have to disagree with that Tiger. It is possible to capture a ghost in a bottle. After all jinn were captured in bottles and lamps so it makes sense that a ghost could be trapped in a bottle as well with the right spells. It wouldn't take as powerful a spell as you would to trap a jinn.

Now Secret I'm guessing that you've seen or heard about places selling ghosts in a bottle. While a few may be genuine the vast majority are fakes.

yes and how did you know that...i just wonder can you set the Ghost to be free and go home to heaven? it look like ghost are stuck here in this limbo between heaven or  hell i just wonder..

anyway i have to ask you something supernaturalbeliever if you are a psychic then tell me why could i not do Astral Projection? write back

I'm not psychic that I know of. I just took a guess. Just releasing a ghost from the jar doesn't mean it would go to heaven. As to astral projection I haven't been able to do it and I've tried just about every method there is I think.

I have to disagree with that Tiger. It is possible to capture a ghost in a bottle. After all jinn were captured in bottles and lamps so it makes sense that a ghost could be trapped in a bottle as well with the right spells. It wouldn't take as powerful a spell as you would to trap a jinn.

Now Secret I'm guessing that you've seen or heard about places selling ghosts in a bottle. While a few may be genuine the vast majority are fakes.

Politics / Re: Proof President Obama Is Not The Anti-Christ
« on: April 04, 2013, 11:36:40 PM »
Maybe that's what he wants you to think. You know I'm wondering if Obama was actually born at all. No one seems to remember him from when he was in school and I doubt that people would forget him. And I'm not calling him president since I'm pretty sure he isn't constitutionally qualified to hold the office.

General Discussions / Re: Things that appear out of nowhere
« on: April 04, 2013, 11:31:13 PM »
Well I had added another post to this thread but now it's gone. I wonder where it went.

I just read about it. That would have been something to witness first hand. Hopefully those kids won't be scarred by what happened and I'm sure some of the kids have a feeling that it wasn't a special effects show.

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