General Non-Paranormal Topics > Politics

Should The USA Be A Panarchy Or Divided Into Two Nations?


Rebecca Abernathy:
Since we seem to be such a divided nation why should 50% of us always live under a government we don't support?  Perhaps it's actually a lot more who don't approve of the government but we're only given two choices.  Maybe we should we split into two or more nations or become a Panarchy of multiple governments?

Well I think we need to divide into two nations, at least for a little while. There are people that are petitioning for that at

Xavier Remington:

--- Quote from: supernaturalbeliever on November 14, 2012, 11:36:06 AM ---Well I think we need to divide into two nations, at least for a little while. There are people that are petitioning for that at

--- End quote ---

I doubt much will come from those petitions.  Especially considering the State governments are distancing themselves from them.  The White House reply ought to be interesting.  All it would take is for one State to stand up to the Federal government.


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