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Messages - whitewolf3001

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General Discussions / Re: Slim Jim
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:41:21 AM »
Hello everyone! Slender.. You're nick name by me is "Slim Jim". I think it's perfect! ;) Anyhow,.. Thank you for replying to my post here at Mystic Investigations. If you would.. Please heal Drake Alexander. I don't want him suffering. I wish you would turn a new leaf Slim. It's been so long I know. I will ask you some more questions in private. But thank you for responding. I never wanted war with you Slim. I'll write you now in private.

General Discussions / Re: Calling you OUT! Slim Jim
« on: July 01, 2013, 09:04:01 PM »
Hi Supernatural Believer.. You're probably right! I wasn't going to go public about it. It'll stay on this forum.

General Discussions / Slim Jim
« on: June 30, 2013, 03:44:20 PM »
Slender Man- I am calling you out! If you read this. I dare you to join this forum.  The world believes you're a mindless beast. With no motives. I would like to ask you some questions. Not esp.. But here in this forum. You can message me in private!

No more wars Slender. Please!!

Paranormal Discussions / Re: Grey aliens?
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:23:22 AM »
Hello Secretman,.. Did they ever tell you why they are coming to you? When they contact you.. Does there mouth move? Or is it more telepathic in nature? Perhaps burn sage in your house and bedroom. Put pink salt around your bed. Pray to the angels for guidance & protection. I wish you luck! How terrible to be harassed like that. Most of all keep your thoughts positive. They can do more damage if they harbor negativity within you! See the signs and be aware of your moods and feelings. If your energy levels plummet, this is a sure sign they might be draining your life force. "energy". Bless you!

General Discussions / Re: New Pope
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:06:07 AM »
Hello,.. I just watched the video. Very interesting. At the end they say to pray daily. And that the world shall be split in two.. of the followers. Whom are on the side of the beast or with Yahuha'.. and a test? Either one of the kings will be reborn as a beast "Fallen Angel" or possessed by daemonic fallen Angel. This is how we know that judgment day is close. Within a few years from now. Great! I don't pray! But I do believe.

Hey Drake.. That is awesomely sweet!!!  ;D

Mystic Investigations News / Re: 2012 Winter Solstice Update
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:21:45 PM »
Thank you all for saving Earth. I know the world will not know of your good deeds. But I do! :)

Mystic Investigations News / Re: The Dark Vampire Elamia Eradicated!
« on: January 12, 2013, 06:33:42 PM »
What a dumb bitch!  Unlike sissy Drake I would have snapped her neck instantly.

Drake is no Sissy! You are! He's more man than you ever could dream of becoming. Since he clearly uses his brain and holds compassion in his heart! You don't!

Mystic Investigations News / Re: Happy New Year's Eve
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:55:21 PM »
The world will be better because you all will exist to service me, and me alone!  Now kneel before Diablo, kiss my hand, wash my feet, and pledge allegiance to your future Lord, and Savior.  In Dimitri's Name Amen! [Maniacal Laughter]

Dimitri... I only believe in bowing to someone in "Honor" Not fear! Does that make sense? In love... and respect!

Mystic Investigations News / Re: Happy New Year's Eve
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:32:37 PM »
Sorry I missed this post.  Happy Belated New Year 2013!  I was going to post brief snippets of what Mystic Investigations was up to but I haven't gotten around to it.  We all still have stacks of papers on our desks from our time away.  Paranormal investigations isn't just swashbuckling adventures, and mysterious of intrigue in a never ending battle for truth, justice, and the eradication of evil!  There's paper work! Tons of paper work for the love of God!  My secretary seems to be missing.  I have to make some copies!  Xavier making copies.  The Xaviernator!  Xavieeeeeeeer!

The Xaviernator!!... lol hahahhaha.. ;) Well I hope you all aren't working too hard! I sent quit allot of potent energy last night.. I know I'll be needing a napper! ;) Dimitri thank you for making peace.. or trying! I hope it will last a long time! Why do gods always insist on us bowing?

So Xavier do you have any New Year's Resolutions? How about Rebecca? Have a great day everyone!

Mystic Investigations News / Re: Happy New Year's Eve
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:02:19 AM »
Mark my words!  2013 will be the year of Diablo!  I shall triumph over good, and rule the Universe, and beyond!

Dimitri..."Well I guess I know your New Years resolution!" ;)

If anyone were to succeed in what you plan Dimitri... Why not make the world a better place?

Mystic Investigations News / Re: Happy New Year's
« on: January 02, 2013, 06:52:22 PM »
Glad to hear you had a good New Years.. I always make a resolution. Last year's was to get more organized! ;) lol... Did I? Yeah'... This year is to travel more! Be more adventurous. We'll see what happens. I would love to ski down the mountains.. or large hills. It's been years since I've gone skiing. The friends I would go with were so good they could ski backwards..  I tried and wiped out! Didn't break anything but my pride!  ::) lol I also was a Popsicle.. I didn't wear snow pants.. just long underwear and jeans.. Brrrr.. They gave me a few swigs of black berry brandy.. Got back to their place ... collage dorm.. We then made homemade egg nog.. It was the best I ever had.. we spiked it. I had to borrow their sweat pants since all my stuff was wet.. They fixed me up pretty good. Had a blast! I will go skiing someday in Colorado Springs...  ;D

Stay sweet! Peace!

Mystic Investigations News / Re: Happy New Year's Eve
« on: January 01, 2013, 02:54:41 PM »
Hey guys.. Yes the good Drake is back! Okay! Sorry you didn't know.. Looking at how that sounds umm omg! ;) I thought you all knew he was back? Allot has been happening. I'm extremely happy now that our Good Drake is back and safe! How was your New Years? Do you have any resolutions?  :)

I love you sweet Drake..

Mystic Investigations News / Happy New Year's Eve
« on: December 31, 2012, 02:50:11 PM »
Hello everyone! I hope you all have an amazing night! I'm having another Jacuzzi party! I wish we all could party together... some year we will I'm sure! Cheers to everyone's happiness'..  ;D

I wasn't sure where to put this.. you can delete it if you want. I'll send everyone more energy at the strike of midnight! Drake I have something for you... :) xxx

Paranormal Discussions / Re: All Bow Before Me!
« on: December 29, 2012, 06:54:34 PM »
Dimitri.. nice try whatever you sent last night.. The spirit cat stopped it.

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