Author Topic: We Just Secured A Potential Six Figure Deal!  (Read 11336 times)

Xavier Remington

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We Just Secured A Potential Six Figure Deal!
« on: February 18, 2013, 10:39:41 AM »
Minutes ago I was in a conference call with a paranormal investigations firm in Japan called Fujimoto Hitodama Kenkyuu along with a wealthy family plagued by a vengeful Onryo in Japan as well.  The terrified family originally called us after researching the number of supernatural beings we've taken on. Unfortunately we don't have anyone to spare who can fly to Japan right now so we referred it to the Japanese firm.  We earned an initial referral fee of $5000.  If the firm is successful in exorcising the angry spirit then we get 15% of the fee which could be in the middle six figures!  These are the deals that fund our many pro-bono projects!

I was going to call Drake in because he speaks fluent Japanese but he left to investigate a Chupacabra's that just at a whole cow on a farm. I got through the call on my limited knowledge of the language along with a handy voice translation gadget that displays the spoken Japanese word as text on a screen.

Mystic Investigations Supernatural Forum

We Just Secured A Potential Six Figure Deal!
« on: February 18, 2013, 10:39:41 AM »