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Messages - Duanna Sargon

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Meistiensos I know not how this is possible.  However all manner of amazement has transpired throughout the thousands of years I've existed so it's not a complete surprise.  I truly hope you will find peace in death, and that you feel sorrow for your transgressions.  Only then can you pass on to a place of peace.  May the Goddesses of love, and understanding be with you in the dark void.

Angela we shall have our time together soon enough.  I know you're secretly jealous that we can't be as one.  In time I will be the one to bring you into our loving family.  Be patient until then as I mend the shattered fences that divide my daughter, and grandson from my just rule.  May the Lord Of Darkness be with you!

I am beyond ashamed that I came from you.  Angela shall be apart of our family.  Although it will be by my hand untainted by your vile nature. If you insist on continuing this ludicrous charade then so be it if only to protect the innocents you threaten including my Goddess Nanna.  Unfortunately for you there shall be a day of reckoning which I suspect you won't survive.

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